Commit d2c7ef76 by Carsten Brandt

more tests

parent 86c93cf4
......@@ -10,26 +10,6 @@ use yiiunit\data\ar\redis\OrderItem;
use yiiunit\data\ar\redis\Order;
use yiiunit\data\ar\redis\Item;
1 - user1
2 - user2
3 - user3
Items: 1-5
Order: 1-3
1 - order: 1
2 - order: 1
3 - order: 2
4 - order: 2
5 - order: 2
6 - order: 3
class ActiveRecordTest extends RedisTestCase
public function setUp()
......@@ -231,7 +211,11 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends RedisTestCase
$this->assertEquals(2, Customer::find()->where(array('OR', array('id' => 1), array('id' => 2)))->count());
$this->assertEquals(2, count(Customer::find()->where(array('OR', array('id' => 1), array('id' => 2)))->all()));
// TODO more conditions
$this->assertEquals(2, Customer::find()->where(array('id' => array(1,2)))->count());
$this->assertEquals(2, count(Customer::find()->where(array('id' => array(1,2)))->all()));
$this->assertEquals(1, Customer::find()->where(array('AND', array('id' => array(2,3)), array('BETWEEN', 'status', 2, 4)))->count());
$this->assertEquals(1, count(Customer::find()->where(array('AND', array('id' => array(2,3)), array('BETWEEN', 'status', 2, 4)))->all()));
public function testSum()
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