__init__.py 8.45 KB
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Settings and configuration for Django.

Read values from the module specified by the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment
variable, and then from django.conf.global_settings; see the global_settings.py
for a list of all possible variables.

import importlib
import os
import time
import traceback
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import django
from django.conf import global_settings
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango31Warning
from django.utils.functional import LazyObject, empty


    'The FILE_CHARSET setting is deprecated. Starting with Django 3.1, all '
    'files read from disk must be UTF-8 encoded.'

class SettingsReference(str):
    String subclass which references a current settings value. It's treated as
    the value in memory but serializes to a settings.NAME attribute reference.
    def __new__(self, value, setting_name):
        return str.__new__(self, value)

    def __init__(self, value, setting_name):
        self.setting_name = setting_name

class LazySettings(LazyObject):
    A lazy proxy for either global Django settings or a custom settings object.
    The user can manually configure settings prior to using them. Otherwise,
    Django uses the settings module pointed to by DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE.
    def _setup(self, name=None):
        Load the settings module pointed to by the environment variable. This
        is used the first time settings are needed, if the user hasn't
        configured settings manually.
        settings_module = os.environ.get(ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE)
        if not settings_module:
            desc = ("setting %s" % name) if name else "settings"
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                "Requested %s, but settings are not configured. "
                "You must either define the environment variable %s "
                "or call settings.configure() before accessing settings."
                % (desc, ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE))

        self._wrapped = Settings(settings_module)

    def __repr__(self):
        # Hardcode the class name as otherwise it yields 'Settings'.
        if self._wrapped is empty:
            return '<LazySettings [Unevaluated]>'
        return '<LazySettings "%(settings_module)s">' % {
            'settings_module': self._wrapped.SETTINGS_MODULE,

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Return the value of a setting and cache it in self.__dict__."""
        if self._wrapped is empty:
        val = getattr(self._wrapped, name)
        self.__dict__[name] = val
        return val

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        Set the value of setting. Clear all cached values if _wrapped changes
        (@override_settings does this) or clear single values when set.
        if name == '_wrapped':
            self.__dict__.pop(name, None)
        super().__setattr__(name, value)

    def __delattr__(self, name):
        """Delete a setting and clear it from cache if needed."""
        self.__dict__.pop(name, None)

    def configure(self, default_settings=global_settings, **options):
        Called to manually configure the settings. The 'default_settings'
        parameter sets where to retrieve any unspecified values from (its
        argument must support attribute access (__getattr__)).
        if self._wrapped is not empty:
            raise RuntimeError('Settings already configured.')
        holder = UserSettingsHolder(default_settings)
        for name, value in options.items():
            if not name.isupper():
                raise TypeError('Setting %r must be uppercase.' % name)
            setattr(holder, name, value)
        self._wrapped = holder

    def configured(self):
        """Return True if the settings have already been configured."""
        return self._wrapped is not empty

    def FILE_CHARSET(self):
        stack = traceback.extract_stack()
        # Show a warning if the setting is used outside of Django.
        # Stack index: -1 this line, -2 the caller.
        filename, _line_number, _function_name, _text = stack[-2]
        if not filename.startswith(os.path.dirname(django.__file__)):
        return self.__getattr__('FILE_CHARSET')

class Settings:
    def __init__(self, settings_module):
        # update this dict from global settings (but only for ALL_CAPS settings)
        for setting in dir(global_settings):
            if setting.isupper():
                setattr(self, setting, getattr(global_settings, setting))

        # store the settings module in case someone later cares
        self.SETTINGS_MODULE = settings_module

        mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE)

        tuple_settings = (
        self._explicit_settings = set()
        for setting in dir(mod):
            if setting.isupper():
                setting_value = getattr(mod, setting)

                if (setting in tuple_settings and
                        not isinstance(setting_value, (list, tuple))):
                    raise ImproperlyConfigured("The %s setting must be a list or a tuple. " % setting)
                setattr(self, setting, setting_value)

        if not self.SECRET_KEY:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.")

        if self.is_overridden('FILE_CHARSET'):
            warnings.warn(FILE_CHARSET_DEPRECATED_MSG, RemovedInDjango31Warning)

        if hasattr(time, 'tzset') and self.TIME_ZONE:
            # When we can, attempt to validate the timezone. If we can't find
            # this file, no check happens and it's harmless.
            zoneinfo_root = Path('/usr/share/zoneinfo')
            zone_info_file = zoneinfo_root.joinpath(*self.TIME_ZONE.split('/'))
            if zoneinfo_root.exists() and not zone_info_file.exists():
                raise ValueError("Incorrect timezone setting: %s" % self.TIME_ZONE)
            # Move the time zone info into os.environ. See ticket #2315 for why
            # we don't do this unconditionally (breaks Windows).
            os.environ['TZ'] = self.TIME_ZONE

    def is_overridden(self, setting):
        return setting in self._explicit_settings

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%(cls)s "%(settings_module)s">' % {
            'cls': self.__class__.__name__,
            'settings_module': self.SETTINGS_MODULE,

class UserSettingsHolder:
    """Holder for user configured settings."""
    # SETTINGS_MODULE doesn't make much sense in the manually configured
    # (standalone) case.

    def __init__(self, default_settings):
        Requests for configuration variables not in this class are satisfied
        from the module specified in default_settings (if possible).
        self.__dict__['_deleted'] = set()
        self.default_settings = default_settings

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if not name.isupper() or name in self._deleted:
            raise AttributeError
        return getattr(self.default_settings, name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name == 'FILE_CHARSET':
            warnings.warn(FILE_CHARSET_DEPRECATED_MSG, RemovedInDjango31Warning)
        super().__setattr__(name, value)

    def __delattr__(self, name):
        if hasattr(self, name):

    def __dir__(self):
        return sorted(
            s for s in [*self.__dict__, *dir(self.default_settings)]
            if s not in self._deleted

    def is_overridden(self, setting):
        deleted = (setting in self._deleted)
        set_locally = (setting in self.__dict__)
        set_on_default = getattr(self.default_settings, 'is_overridden', lambda s: False)(setting)
        return deleted or set_locally or set_on_default

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%(cls)s>' % {
            'cls': self.__class__.__name__,

settings = LazySettings()