echo"m101129_185401_create_news_table cannot be reverted.\n";
Notice that the class name is the same as the file name, and follows the pattern
`m<timestamp>_<name>`, where:
*`<timestamp>` refers to the UTC timestamp (in the
format of `yymmdd_hhmmss`) when the migration is created,
*`<name>` is taken from the command's `name` parameter.
In the class, the `up()` method should contain the code implementing the actual database
migration. In other words, the `up()` method executes code that actually changes the database. The `down()` method may contain code that reverts the changes made by `up()`.
Sometimes, it is impossible for the `down()` to undo the database migration. For example, if the migration deletes
table rows or an entire table, that data cannot be recovered in the `down()` method. In such
cases, the migration is called irreversible, meaning the database cannot be rolled back to
a previous state. When a migration is irreversible, as in the above generated code, the `down()`
method returns `false` to indicate that the migration cannot be reverted.
As an example, let's show the migration for creating a news table.