* pool of cached data, the same prefix should be set for each of the applications explicitly.
* @var boolean whether to md5-hash the cache key for normalization purposes. Defaults to true. Setting this property to false makes sure the cache
* @var boolean whether to hash the cache key for normalization purpose. Defaults to true.
* Setting this property to false makes sure the cache
* key will not be tampered when calling the relevant methods {@link get()}, {@link set()}, {@link add()} and {@link delete()}. This is useful if a Yii
* application as well as an external application need to access the same cache pool (also see description of {@link keyPrefix} regarding this use case).
* However, without normalization you should make sure the affected cache backend does support the structure (charset, length, etc.) of all the provided
* cache keys, otherwise there might be unexpected behavior.
* @since 1.1.11
* @var boolean whether to automatically serialize/unserialize the cache values. Defaults to true. Setting this property to false makes sure the cache
* value will not be tampered when calling the methods {@link set()} and {@link add()}. This is useful in case you want to store data which simply
* does not require serialization (e.g. integers, strings or raw binary data). Thus there might be a small increase in performance and a smaller overall
* cache size. Take in mind that you will be unable to store PHP structures like arrays or objects, you would have to serialize and unserialize them manually.
* Another negative side effect is that providing a dependency via {@link set()} or {@link add()} will have no effect since dependencies rely on serialization.
* Since all the relevant core application components rely on dependency support, you should be very careful disabling this feature. Usually you want to
* configure a dedicated cache component for the sole purpose of storing raw unserialized data, the main cache component should always support serialization.
* @since 1.1.11
* @var boolean wether to make use of the {@link http://pecl.php.net/package/igbinary igbinary} serializer for cache entry serialization. Defaults to false.
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> If this is set to true while the igbinary extension has not been loaded, cache serialization will silently fall back to PHP's default
* serializer. Since the two serialization formats are incompatible, caches should be purged before switching this on to prevent errors.
* @since 1.1.11
* @var array|boolean the functions used to serialize and unserialize cached data. Defaults to null, meaning
* using the default PHP `serialize()` and `unserialize()` functions. If you want to use some more efficient
* serializer (e.g. [igbinary](http://pecl.php.net/package/igbinary)), you may configure this property with
* a two-element array. The first element specifies the serialization function, and the second the deserialization
* function. If this property is set false, data will be directly sent to and retrieved from the underlying
* cache component without any serialization or deserialization. You should not turn off serialization if
* you are using [[CacheDependency|cache dependency]], because it relies on data serialization.
thrownewCException(Yii::t('yii','CDbCache.connectionID "{id}" is invalid. Please make sure it refers to the ID of a CDbConnection application component.',
thrownewCException(Yii::t('yii','CDbCacheDependency.connectionID "{id}" is invalid. Please make sure it refers to the ID of a CDbConnection application component.',
die("Error: CMigrationCommand.connectionID '{$this->connectionID}' is invalid. Please make sure it refers to the ID of a CDbConnection application component.\n");