Commit aed66bcd by Alexander Makarov

started performance section of the guide

parent d8beaa64
Performance Tuning
Application performance consists of two parts. First is the framework performance
and the second is the application itself. Yii has a pretty low performance impact
on your application out of the box and can be fine-tuned further for production
environment. As for the application, we'll provide some of the best practices
along with examples on how to apply them to Yii.
Preparing framework for production
### Disabling Debug Mode
First thing you should do before deploying your application to production environment
is to disable debug mode. A Yii application runs in debug mode if the constant
`YII_DEBUG` is defined as `true` in `index.php`. Debug mode is useful during
development stage, but it would impact performance because some components
cause extra burden in debug mode. For example, the message logger may record
additional debug information for every message being logged.
### Enabling PHP opcode cache
Enabling the PHP opcode cache improves any PHP application performance and lowers
memory usage. Yii is no exception. It was tested with APC extension that caches
and optimizes PHP intermediate code and avoids the time spent in parsing PHP
scripts for every incoming request.
### Turning on ActiveRecord database schema caching
If the application is using Active Record, we should turn on the schema caching
to save the time of parsing database schema. This can be done by setting the
`Connection::enableSchemaCache` property to be `true` via application configuration
### Combining and Minimizing Assets
### Using better storage for sessions
By default PHP uses plain files to handle sessions. It is OK for development and
small projects but when it comes to handling concurrent requests it's better to
switch to another storage such as database. You can do so by configuring your
application via `protected/config/main.php`:
Improving application
### Using Caching Techniques
As described in the Caching section, Yii provides several caching solutions that
may improve the performance of a Web application significantly. If the generation
of some data takes long time, we can use the data caching approach to reduce the
data generation frequency; If a portion of page remains relatively static, we
can use the fragment caching approach to reduce its rendering frequency;
If a whole page remains relative static, we can use the page caching approach to
save the rendering cost for the whole page.
### Database Optimization
Fetching data from database is often the main performance bottleneck in
a Web application. Although using caching may alleviate the performance hit,
it does not fully solve the problem. When the database contains enormous data
and the cached data is invalid, fetching the latest data could be prohibitively
expensive without proper database and query design.
Design index wisely in a database. Indexing can make SELECT queries much faster,
but it may slow down INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries.
For complex queries, it is recommended to create a database view for it instead
of issuing the queries inside the PHP code and asking DBMS to parse them repetitively.
Do not overuse Active Record. Although Active Record is good at modelling data
in an OOP fashion, it actually degrades performance due to the fact that it needs
to create one or several objects to represent each row of query result. For data
intensive applications, using DAO or database APIs at lower level could be
a better choice.
Last but not least, use LIMIT in your SELECT queries. This avoids fetching
overwhelming data from database and exhausting the memory allocated to PHP.
### Using asArray
### Processing data in background
In order to respond to user requests faster you can process heavy parts of the
request later if there's no need for immediate response.
- Cron jobs + console.
- queues + handlers.
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