`\Yii::t('app', 'This is a string to translate!')` というメッセージを翻訳するとき、アプリケーション言語が `ja-JP` である場合は、Yii は利用できるメッセージのリストを取得するために、まず `@app/messages/ja-JP/app.php` というファイルを探します。
In the example above we are using wildcard for matching and then filtering each category per needed file. Instead of using `fileMap` you can simply
use convention of category mapping to the same named file and use `Module::t('validation', 'your custom validation message')` or `Module::t('form', 'some form label')` directly.
### Translating widgets messages
The same rule as applied for Modules above can be applied for widgets too, for example:
Instead of using `fileMap` you can simply use convention of category mapping to the same named file and use `Menu::t('messages', 'new messages {messages}', ['{messages}' => 10])` directly.
> **Note**: For widgets you also can use i18n views, same rules as for controllers are applied to them too.
### Translating framework messages
Yii comes with default translation messages for validation errors and some other strings. These messages are all
in the category `yii`. Sometimes you want to correct default framework message translation for your application.
In order to do so configure the `i18n`[application component](structure-application-components.md) like the following:
Now you can place your adjusted translations to `@app/messages/<language>/yii.php`.
### Handling missing translations
If the translation is missing at the source, Yii displays the requested message content. Such behavior is very convenient
in case your raw message is a valid verbose text. However, sometimes it is not enough.
You may need to perform some custom processing of the situation, when requested translation is missing at the source.
This can be achieved using the [[yii\i18n\MessageSource::EVENT_MISSING_TRANSLATION|missingTranslation]]-event of [[yii\i18n\MessageSource]].
For example to mark all missing translations with something notable, so they can be easily found at the page we
first we need to setup event handler. This can be done in the application configuration:
$event->translatedMessage="@MISSING: {$event->category}.{$event->message} FOR LANGUAGE {$event->language} @";
If [[yii\i18n\MissingTranslationEvent::translatedMessage]] is set by the event handler it will be displayed as the translation result.
> Attention: each message source handles its missing translations separately. If you are using several message sources
> and wish them treat missing translation in the same way, you should assign corresponding event handler to each of them.
Instead of translating messages as described in the last section,
you can also use `i18n` in your views to provide support for different languages. For example, if you have a view `views/site/index.php` and
you want to create a special version for russian language of it, you create a `ru-RU` folder under the view path of the current controller/widget and
put the file for russian language as follows `views/site/ru-RU/index.php`. Yii will then load the file for the current language if it exists
and fall back to the original view file if none was found.
> **Note**: If language is specified as `en-US` and there are no corresponding views, Yii will try views under `en`
> before using original ones.
Formatting Number and Date values
See the [data formatter section](output-formatter.md) for details.
Setting up your PHP environment <a name="setup-environment"></a>
Yii uses the [PHP intl extension](http://php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php) to provide most of its internationalization features
such as the number and date formatting of the [[yii\i18n\Formatter]] class and the message formatting using [[yii\i18n\MessageFormatter]].
Both classes provides a fallback implementation that provides basic functionality in case intl is not installed.
This fallback implementation however only works well for sites in english language and even there can not provide the
rich set of features that is available with the PHP intl extension, so its installation is highly recommended.
The [PHP intl extension](http://php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php) is based on the [ICU library](http://site.icu-project.org/) which
provides the knowledge and formatting rules for all the different locales. According to this fact the formatting of dates and numbers
and also the supported syntax available for message formatting differs between different versions of the ICU library that is compiled with
you PHP binary.
To ensure your website works with the same output in all environments it is recommended to install the PHP intl extension
in all environments and verify that the version of the ICU library compiled with PHP is the same.
To find out which version of ICU is used by PHP you can run the following script, which will give you the PHP and ICU version used.
echo"PHP: ".PHP_VERSION."\n";
echo"ICU: ".INTL_ICU_VERSION."\n";
We recommend an ICU version greater or equal to version ICU 49 to be able to use all the features described in this document.
One major feature that is missing in Versions below 49 is the `#` placeholder in plural rules.
See <http://site.icu-project.org/download> for a list of available ICU versions. Note that the version numbering has changed after the
4.8 release so that the first digits are now merged: the sequence is ICU 4.8, ICU 49, ICU 50.
Additionally the information in the time zone database shipped with the ICU library may be outdated. Please refer
to the [ICU manual](http://userguide.icu-project.org/datetime/timezone#TOC-Updating-the-Time-Zone-Data) for details
on updating the time zone database. While for output formatting the ICU timezone database is used, the time zone database
used by PHP may be relevant too. You can update it by installing the latest version of the [pecl package `timezonedb`](http://pecl.php.net/package/timezonedb).