* The user identity information will be saved in storage that is
* persistent during the user session. By default, the storage is simply
* the session storage. If the duration parameter is greater than 0,
* a cookie will be sent to prepare for cookie-based login in future.
* Note, you have to set {@link allowAutoLogin} to true
* if you want to allow user to be authenticated based on the cookie information.
* @param IUserIdentity $identity the user identity (which should already be authenticated)
* @param integer $duration number of seconds that the user can remain in logged-in status. Defaults to 0, meaning login till the user closes the browser.
* If greater than 0, cookie-based login will be used. In this case, {@link allowAutoLogin}
* must be set true, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
* This method is used when automatic login ({@link allowAutoLogin}) is enabled.
* This method saves user ID, username, other identity states and a validation key to cookie.
* These information are used to do authentication next time when user visits the application.
* @param integer $duration number of seconds that the user can remain in logged-in status. Defaults to 0, meaning login till the user closes the browser.