Commit 15a6a0ca by Sartika Aritonang

Upload New File

parent 6c019d71
import os
from Sastrawi.Dictionary.ArrayDictionary import ArrayDictionary
from Sastrawi.Stemmer.Stemmer import Stemmer
from Sastrawi.Stemmer.CachedStemmer import CachedStemmer
from Sastrawi.Stemmer.Cache.ArrayCache import ArrayCache
class StemmerFactory(object):
""" Stemmer factory helps creating pre-configured stemmer """
APC_KEY = 'sastrawi_cache_dictionary'
def create_stemmer(self, isDev=False):
""" Returns Stemmer instance """
words = self.get_words(isDev)
dictionary = ArrayDictionary(words)
stemmer = Stemmer(dictionary)
resultCache = ArrayCache()
cachedStemmer = CachedStemmer(resultCache, stemmer)
return cachedStemmer
def get_words(self, isDev=False):
#if isDev or callable(getattr(self, 'apc_fetch')):
# words = self.getWordsFromFile()
# words = apc_fetch(self.APC_KEY)
# if not words:
# words = self.getWordsFromFile()
# apc_store(self.APC_KEY, words)
return self.get_words_from_file()
def get_words_from_file(self):
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
dictionaryFile = current_dir + '/data/kata-dasar.txt'
if not os.path.isfile(dictionaryFile):
raise RuntimeError('Dictionary file is missing. It seems that your installation is corrupted.')
dictionaryContent = ''
with open(dictionaryFile, 'r') as f:
dictionaryContent =
return dictionaryContent.split('\n')
\ No newline at end of file
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