Commit c77694b1 by Eko Simanjuntak

add half level3

parent 83beb736
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...@@ -4302,43 +5232,42 @@ SpriteRenderer: ...@@ -4302,43 +5232,42 @@ SpriteRenderer:
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Transform: Transform:
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--- !u!212 &1481402964 --- !u!212 &1494439165
SpriteRenderer: SpriteRenderer:
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...@@ -4371,7 +5300,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: ...@@ -4371,7 +5300,7 @@ SpriteRenderer:
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...@@ -5852,7 +6781,7 @@ Transform: ...@@ -5852,7 +6781,7 @@ Transform:
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--- !u!212 &2047557663 --- !u!212 &2047557663
SpriteRenderer: SpriteRenderer:
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--- !u!78 &1 --- !u!78 &1
TagManager: TagManager:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
tags: tags: []
- BlueObstacle
- GreenObstacle
- Background
<<<<<<< HEAD
- YellowObstacle
- BlueBackground
- GreenBackground
- WhiteObstacle
>>>>>>> development
layers: layers:
- Default - Default
- TransparentFX - TransparentFX
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